Why Invest in a Commercial Unit Test Tool
6 February; 2025 | Online (GoTo Webinar)
Learn why investing in the right tools today achieves outstanding ROI and prevents costly setbacks tomorrow.
Embedded Testing 2025
25. – 26. Februar 2025 | München-Unterhaching, Germany
Die Embedded Testing ist eine Konferenz, die sich ausschließlich dem Thema Software-Testing im Embedded Umfeld widmet. An zwei Tagen trifft sich hier ein Fachpublikum, um die derzeitigen Herausforderungen zu diskutieren. Die Embedded Testing spricht in erster Linien die Branchen Medizintechnik, Automotive, Luft- und Raumfahrt sowie Defense an.
embedded world 2025
11 – 13 March, 2025 | Nuremberg, Germany
The embedded world Exhibition&Conference is the trade fair for embedded systems. Experts along the entire value chain of embedded systems will network at the Exhibition Center in Nuremberg. An international audience of experts will discuss the future topics of the industry at two conferences, making embedded world a must-attend event for all embedded experts like QA Systems! Visit us in hall 4 at booth 138!
Check out our most popular events recordings!
Static Analysis and Dynamic Testing of Software: A Combined Approach
At Embedded World 2022, QA Systems’ Integrations Manager, Adam Mackay, emphasizes the combined approach of Static Analysis and Dynamic Testing of Software. Demonstrating how quality assurance testing tools can save developers time, money, and effort, he underscores its significance for successful testing phases. As projects progress, testing phases become more intricate, and identifying bugs, non-conformities, and coding flaws becomes crucial. Automating code checking and robust unit testing early on can detect defects when they are easier and less costly to fix, especially since most issues originate during the coding stage.
Automated Verification of Safety-Critical Code
Discover our advanced automated software verification tools, ensuring compliance with coding and safety standards like MISRA, AUTOSAR, CERT, CWE, ISO 26262, IEC 61508, and more. See a powerful demonstration by AbsInt’s Daniel Kaestner and QA Systems’ Haydar Akbulut. Ideal for developers in safety-critical industries – automotive, aerospace, medical devices, industrial automation, railways, and nuclear.